Ninja Series returns to FIWE!
This time in a slightly different format - Ninja Series Regionals
Ninja Series Regionals are regional competitions held in different parts of Poland and Europe. The difficulty level of the tracks is lowered compared to the Ninja Series League. These competitions are particularly popular with Ninja beginners, who can try their hand and improve their skills before moving up to the next level.
The Ninja Series Regionals are an ideal opportunity for people from all over Europe who want to join the Ninja Series league. A number of competitors have already joined the league this year, with the chance to compete at different levels of difficulty.
The Regionals series is also a great place to make new friends, share experiences and meet people with similar passions. That’s why you should plan your participation in the Ninja Series Regionals now and start your Ninja adventure!
In addition to rewarding the best in the respective competitions, there is also a Ninja Series Regionals league, which is continuously updated and shows a breakdown of all Regionals competitors for the season.
There is also a ‘CHALLENGE zone’ planned for the Fitness Trade Show, where all visitors to the tagri can test themselves in 3 challenges: BALANCE, OBSTACLE FITNESS, OVERHANG
Come and join us!
Ninja Series - We are the Champions
Contemporary Ninjas will appear at FIWE Fitness Trade Show! See the strife of the strongest
There is probably no person who doesn’t follow the Ninja Series with bated breath. A complex, physically exhausting obstacle course and only one chance to succeed. Within two days, the FIWE Fitness Trade Show will become an arena of struggle for the best contestants in Poland.
Jumping between bars, balancing, walking on a cliffhanger, pulling up at the limit of human capabilities – all this is waiting for the participants of the Ninja Series during the FIWE Fitness Trade Show. The specificity of the struggle of modern warriors is based on two factors – exceptional physical fitness and craftiness, which will allow them to find the best way to overcome a complicated obstacle course in critical conditions. Only a few will succeed! The rules will be simple: one rider, one track and one chance, which means that participants will have to stake everything on one card!
Ninja Series - We are the Champions - at the FIWE Fitness Trade Show
Ninja Series attracts not only the emotions related to the very specificity and difficulty of the competition, but also novelties that will captivate fans of this kind of entertainment. The tracks where the competition will take place will be new to the Ninja Series. The competitors have never known them before, which means they had no chance to prepare for them.
What's more, the struggle will be divided into two categories. On the OPEN track, everyone who is willing can start - even younger volunteers. This means that every visitor to the FIWE Fitness Trade Show can check how much Ninja is in them! Track PRO is a place of competition for professionals not only from Poland, but also from abroad. This guarantees great emotions, because the obstacles will be approached by those who have tried their hand at national and international arenas. We assure you - emotions will grow with every minute!
In addition, there will be competitions on the KIDS track and in relays for adults and children.
Ninja Series - plan of the 2023 event
The Ninja Series event at FIWE is split into two days. On September 10, since 8:45, competitors in the OPEN category will join the competition. On the next day there will be OPEN and PRO competitions, medal decorations and competitions for children.
In addition, a LIVE broadcast will be carried out on the YouTube channel, so that everyone who cannot visit the FIWE Fitness Trade Show in person could get excited in front of a computer screen.