Polski Związek Przeciągania Liny (PZPL)
Polski Związek Przeciągania Liny (PZPL)
Polski Związek Przeciągania Liny (PZPL) is the official representative of the “Tug of War” sport in Poland. “Tug of War” is the international name for the sport of tug of war. PZPL is an ordinary member of the Tug of War International Federation, affiliated to ARISF/IOC, and is a founding member of the European Tug of War Federation. PZPL is also a member of the Polish Olympic Committee.
Based on the Law on Sports, it has had the status of a Polish sports association since 2015. It is the official sports association that organizes and conducts sports competition in Poland. It also prepares the Polish national team for participation in the European Championships, World Championships and The World Games – the World Sports Games.
- Lectures about the sport of tug of war:
- definition
- rules of tugging techniques
- recipes
- referee gestures and commands
- ancient history
- Olympic identity
- Demonstration of the basics related to the sport of tug of war
- An activity showing the proficiency of the sport of tug of war
- Disseminating information on tests, vocations and rules of operation of the National Team and the Junior National Team and disseminating information about the opening by PZPL of the first Regional Methodology and Training Center with a professional lift for tug of war
- Activites with a rope